Monday, June 16, 2014

Howling Bells - Heartstrings

Howling Bells
2 June 2014

3.5 stars out of 5

“I’ve got patience, but patience, it seems, ain’t got time for me,” sings Juanita Stein on “Slowburn,” from Howling Bells’ fourth studio LP, Heartstrings. The band’s wit and charm permeate this record, getting into every last pore. The London-residing Australians have sometimes been billed as a darker version of The Long Blondes, and while there were perhaps some moments on 2009’s Radio Wars that could justify such a classification, Stein & Co. have finally proven they deserve it with Heartstrings.

The ominous rattle of tracks like “Paris,” “Original Sin,” and “Heartstrings” gives notice that the band has arrived in 2014 ready to erase the memory of their poorly-received 2011 LP The Loudest Engine (not nearly as bad as some say, but not exactly their shining moment either). At about 32 minutes, Heartstrings is by far their briefest LP, with the result being that there’s no down time during the 10 tracks. Their vaguely post-something brand of indie rock is infused with a bit of chamber pop here, a bit of Morricone-style western there, and throughout the album their songwriting is tighter and more concise than ever.

Heartstrings is an enjoyable quickie of stylized dark indie rock. Perhaps it won’t be on your playlist three or four years from now, but you won’t have any regrets enjoying it now while it’s still fresh.

reviewed by Richard Krueger

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