Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The end.

Well, this is the end of Music Is My Hot Chocolate. I apologize to all three of you who read this blog on a regular basis, but it takes up too much of my time and energy to write this blog as a daily expenditure of two or three hours. I managed to make it through an entire year, and by doing so achieved some measure of self-discipline (which is what the whole exercise was about to begin with), but now it's time to walk away and move on to projects that offer me more fulfillment. And more cash. As in any. Any at all.

So thank you for putting up with my raves and rants for the last twelve months. I hope you discovered some new music along the way, and possibly had a good laugh or two at the expense of some of the shittier albums in the last year.

Signing off,


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